
Focal Length:22.5mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:Caplio R6

A couple of years ago I started to take interest in pointing my camera downwards instead of to the horizon when I was out cruising with my boat on the rivers ‘Little River’ and ‘Black River’ somewhere in the world.

I became hooked on the interesting views and images that became the result. I’m not a professional photographer and I have no super equipment. I’m just a curious individual trying to dig in a bit into the mysteries and wonders of life and nature.

The impressions that are made in water are very different depending on the season. if it’s a sunny or cloudy day, if it’s windy or not and where you finally take the images from.

But it is always a very interesting landscape you get. Often in many layers with falling leaves, wind that brushes the surface up and a boat or a duck can do the same. Sometime when you look down from the boat you are not sure if it is a reflection or a real object in the water.

I prefer to look upon the impressions in the water as another world. As real and interesting as our own. Maybe more so, because it’s not as investigated and scrutinized. There are still secrets down there for me – and hopefully for you – to be  revealed.